Thursday 10 February 2011




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Monday 17 May 2010

French fancies...

I popped over the channel for my dad's birthday and visited the lovely sea-side town of Boulogne.

I spent perhaps longer than a normal person should staring at these pastries in a patisserie window.

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Friday 7 May 2010

Election day cookies

Happy day-after election day!

I hope everyone who could voted, I certainly did. It was my first ever time and I was grinning like an idiot at the people at the polling station.
Here are some cookies to celebrate by xmalik

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Thursday 29 April 2010

Zara's Happy Biscuits

Wowowow! I love these biscuits! Doesn't looking at them just cheer you up during this stupid fake English summer? 19 degrees yet no sunshine, it's just not right.

Tuck into these and dream of being somewhere scorching.

Thanks to Tomayto Tomaaahto for these. What a great blog name!

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Tuesday 20 April 2010

Green Tea Doughnuts!

I'm all for experimenting, so give this a go...Green Tea Doughnuts!

Looks interesting to say the least! I love doughnuts and green tea, so perhaps the two together will be spectacular!


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Wednesday 14 April 2010

Vanilla and Dulce de Leche (Cajeta) Macarons

I have previously said how much I am in love with when I saw these very tempting looking macaroons with Dulce de leche in I had to post them on here.

I scanned the list of ingredients to see if I could make them right away, but unfortunately blanched almond flour isn't a staple in my cupboards. I think this calls for a special trip to the shops.

To have a go at making these yourself, pop over to Teenie Cakes.

Happy baking!

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Tuesday 23 March 2010

Easter cupcakes

Today, I am not alone in my baking. I have been joined by my dearest friend Kez.

We spent the whole day baking Easter cupcakes at her house. We used a recipe from the book she bought me for Christmas which I featured on here on my Christmas present post.

The cupcakes are a basic vanilla flavour with buttercream icing. And of course, they tasted wonderful!

We both had never used piping nozels before, so please don't judge our attempts too harshly :)

- Cooked 'til they're springy

A lesson to be learned. Never cook cupcakes on a wire wrack. It doesn't work.

Kaz & Kez

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