Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Easter cupcakes

Today, I am not alone in my baking. I have been joined by my dearest friend Kez.

We spent the whole day baking Easter cupcakes at her house. We used a recipe from the book she bought me for Christmas which I featured on here on my Christmas present post.

The cupcakes are a basic vanilla flavour with buttercream icing. And of course, they tasted wonderful!

We both had never used piping nozels before, so please don't judge our attempts too harshly :)

- Cooked 'til they're springy

A lesson to be learned. Never cook cupcakes on a wire wrack. It doesn't work.

Kaz & Kez

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Saturday, 13 March 2010

St. Patrick's Day

These adorable shamrock cookies are by Brown Eyed Baker.
Makes me green with envy that I'm not Irish...(come on, there had to be a pun here somewhere...)

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Sunday, 7 March 2010


Cakeadoodle are a North-West London based cupcakery who make cupcakes to order for any occassion as well as holding decorating parties, for kids and grown ups alike.

Pick your favourite from their website. Mine is the chocolate Labrador :)

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